Health Anxiety Therapy
What is Health Anxiety?
Health Anxiety is a preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness. There may be somatic symptoms present or be mild in intensity. The preoccupation with having or getting a medical illness is excessive or disproportionate to ones physical symptoms. One may experience a high level of anxiety about health, and become easily alarmed about personal health status. They may perform excessive health-related behaviors, such as checking the body for signs of illness, or avoid medical doctors, procedures, and hospitals. Some individuals may constantly seek out medical care, and others may rarely use medical care.
How We Treat Health Anxiety
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the treatment of choice for Health Anxiety. This therapeutic technique addresses irrational thoughts and focuses on changing problematic behaviors, such as avoidance or repetitive symptom checking. The individual learns to approach the situation differently and how to tolerate discomfort and uncertainty.
Our clinicians are trained and have experience in providing these evidence-based treatments.
Please contact our office at 847-461-8414