OCD Therapy
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterized by intrusive thoughts coupled with repetitive behaviors that are often time consuming and distressful to the individual. The individual recognizes the obsessive thoughts are excessive or unreasonable and tries to resist them. The experience of the obsessive thought or carrying out the compulsive behavior is not pleasurable, and only provides temporary relief from tension or anxiety.
Obsessive thoughts are recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are perceived as alien or not under the individual’s control.
Common Obsessions include:
- Doubts
- Thoughts
- Images
- Impulses
- Fears
- Urges
With Common Content Areas:
- Dirt or Contamination
- Aggression
- Inanimate Interpersonal Objects or Behaviors (i.e., locks, bolts, orderliness, safety)
- Sex
- Religion
Compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts carried out to reduce or prevent anxiety or distress. Compulsions are perceived to prevent a dreaded event or situation,and are carried out with rigid rules.
Common Compulsions include:
- Hand Washing
- Bathing
- Cleaning
- Checking
- Counting
- Ordering
Treatment for OCD
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP), and medication is the most effective treatment for OCD. These therapies works by challenging and changing thought patterns, increasing adaptive coping skills, modifying behaviors, learning relaxation techniques, and gradually exposing the individual to the feared situation and blocking the ritual response.
Our clinicians are trained and have experience in providing these evidence-based treatments.
Contact our office at (847) 461-8414